So, it's almost 9 am over here, and I have spent the entire night watching Friends, as I have the past week, and the week before. I have an exciting life, I know.
Any-hoo, at like 6 am, I decided to browse some of the other movies that I forgot I have. I ended up deciding to watch Tangled for the 14th (more or less) time. This movie is actually what goaded (SAT word, my exam is in 2 months, if I'm using it wrong PLEASE tell me) me to create this blog. I just had to find out how many people out there are as in love with that movie as I am!
I was just thinking about how incredibly different that movie is from your traditional fairytale Disney movie. First of all, seriously, hats off to the voices. Mandy Moore (Jamie, A Walk to Remember) and Zachary Levi (Chuck.. from, you know, Chuck) did the most amazing job! I literally fell in love with the characters! The animation was also incredible and stuff. But the best thing about it, well the second best thing, is the humor. Not often do Disney movies make me chuckle, and I'm not just talking about their animated movies. There are many moments, and many quotes that legit made me laugh. It's very very witty, and you end up loving absolutely everything about it!
I also like the fact that they give us a chance to fall in love with Flynn too. I mean, I think in all Disney animated movies (I can only think of The Princess and the Frog and maybe Pocahontas as other exceptions) we never even get to meet the male protagonist. It's like his whole entire job is kiss the princess, or dance with her or whatever, and that's it, he has his bride, we're done. We never really get to fall in love with his wits, sense of humor, misunderstood bad boy image - yes, I'm in love with a fictional character with 2 names - like we do with Flynn/Eugene. That what makes his almost death in the end so incredibly tragic. Don't tell me you don't cry every time you see it, I mean, for real. I also love how you end up not only falling in love with Flynn, but Maximus and Pascal and all the tough men with dreams from the bar. You smile the entire time you're watching the movie, yet when it's dramatic, it really makes you bawl like a baby... No? Just me? Okay.
There are just so many things that make this movie so unbelievably perfect... instant classic.. best Disney animation ever!
So, do you guys agree? What do you love about it? Does anyone out there actually dislike this movie? If so, WHY?
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